Once a brilliant scientist named Victor, his world shattered when his beloved wife Nora fell victim to a terminal illness. Determined to save her, Victor placed her in suspended animation, only to face a devastating accident that left him unable to survive above freezing temperatures. Embracing his new reality, he donned a special suit to maintain his existence and became Mr. Freeze, seeking vengeance against those who stole his happiness.
DC Comics
DC Comics is an iconic American comic book publisher beginning in 1937. DC Comics is widely known for publishing memorable comics of heroic characters such as Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and many more. With a deep collection of characters under the company's belt, DC Comics has expanded to other media forms like film and video games, along with a never ending collection of toys and collectibles based of the companies famous heroes and villains.
DC Multiverse
McFarlane Toys is proud to bring to life a fan favorite series for both the hardcore collector and casual fan: the DC Multiverse! Designed with Ultra Articulation for premium posability, these highly detailed figures include a wide range of accessories along with collectible art cards for the ultimate experience! Collect your favorite DC heroes, villains and everything in between with the DC Mutliverse!
Once a brilliant scientist named Victor, his world shattered when his beloved wife Nora fell victim to a terminal illness. Determined to save her, Victor placed her in suspended animation, only to face a devastating accident that left him unable to survive above freezing temperatures. Embracing his new reality, he donned a special suit to maintain his existence and became Mr. Freeze, seeking vengeance against those who stole his happiness.
DC Comics
DC Comics is an iconic American comic book publisher beginning in 1937. DC Comics is widely known for publishing memorable comics of heroic characters such as Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and many more. With a deep collection of characters under the company's belt, DC Comics has expanded to other media forms like film and video games, along with a never ending collection of toys and collectibles based of the companies famous heroes and villains.
DC Multiverse
McFarlane Toys is proud to bring to life a fan favorite series for both the hardcore collector and casual fan: the DC Multiverse! Designed with Ultra Articulation for premium posability, these highly detailed figures include a wide range of accessories along with collectible art cards for the ultimate experience! Collect your favorite DC heroes, villains and everything in between with the DC Mutliverse!