Sent to Earth from the dying planet of Krypton as a baby, Kai-El was found by farmers Martha and Jonathan Kent and raised as their son, Clark. As Clark grew up, the radiation from Earth’s yellow sun gave him extraordinary powers, which he kept hidden. Now fully grown, he uses his powers to protect his adopted world of Superman.

    Product Features:

    • Based on the classic comic book
    • Designed with articulation for posing and play
    • Superman includes two kryptonite accessories
    • Packaged in a card backed blister with the iconic old school look of the 1960’s Batman series
    • Collect all McFarlane Toys DC Retro Figures



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    Sent to Earth from the dying planet of Krypton as a baby, Kai-El was found by farmers Martha and Jonathan Kent and raised as their son, Clark. As Clark grew up, the radiation from Earth’s yellow sun gave him extraordinary powers, which he kept hidden. Now fully grown, he uses his powers to protect his adopted world of Superman.

    Product Features:

    • Based on the classic comic book
    • Designed with articulation for posing and play
    • Superman includes two kryptonite accessories
    • Packaged in a card backed blister with the iconic old school look of the 1960’s Batman series
    • Collect all McFarlane Toys DC Retro Figures

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